There are quite a few features within your HeyPeers Meeting Space to assist and support you while you attend a video-based support group. Located at the bottom section of your meeting space screen, there is a grey strip. You will notice a few icons.
They are as follows (from left to right):
Webcam Turn off/ Turn on
- If you click on the Camera icon this will turn your webcam ON and OFF. If your webcam is currently on you will see “Turn off” under the Camera icon. If your webcam is NOT currently on, you will see “Turn on” under the Camera icon. If you need to select a different webcam option click on the arrow to the right of the icon and a dropdown menu will appear.
- If you click on the Microphone icon this will turn your selected microphone ON and OFF. If your microphone is on you will see “Mute” under the Microphone icon. If your microphone is OFF you will see “Unmute” under the Microphone icon.
- If you need to select a different microphone or speaker option click on the arrow to the right of the icon and a dropdown menu will appear.
- Please note that ALL participants will be muted when they enter the meeting space.
- If you click on the People icon a panel will open on the right side of the meeting space. There you will be able to see the list of participants that are attending meeting.
- If you click on the Chat icon a panel will open on the right side of the meeting space. There you will be able to text message your participants.
- If you click on the Share Screen icon a popup window will appear giving you options to select to share with the meeting space. You will see the following message. Share your screen wants to share the contents of your screen. Choose what you’d like to share. You are offered three different tabs:
- Your Entire Screen- If you select this option you will share your entire screen. We DO NOT recommend you do this if you are only facilitating your meetings from one computer screen. IF you are facilitating from two monitors, then select the monitor where you placed the necessary materials to share in your meeting.
- Window- If you click on this tab, you will see applications such as PPT or a Quicktime Video, any computer application that is compatible to be shared within the meeting space. If you are not using Chrome as your web browser there you will see the web browser windows you have available to share.
- Chrome Tab- If you click on this tab, you will see a list of ALL the tabs you have open on your Chrome browser. Select the specific Chrome tab you would like to share.
- If you click on the Network icon panel will open on the right side of the meeting space. There you will be able to see your Packet loss (whether your network is Good), Download rate and Upload rate. Download and upload rates reflect bandwidth used by the specific meeting you are participating in.
- If you click on the Leave icon you will leave the meeting space.
Now let's explore the feature at the top of the meeting space. In a white panel you will notice a few icons:
- If you click the Settings icon a window will pop up. In this window, you will be able to select what Audio input/output and Video devices you would like to utilize. In most situations, you will be using the default selected unless your headphones are Bluetooth formatted. If you have a microphone that is plugged into your computer by a USB you would also have to go in and select the microphone, same with a webcam if you are using a camera that isn’t the internal computer camera. Click on the dropdown menus under each option and select the devices you would like to use in your meeting space and then click back to the main meeting space screen.
Speaker view/ Grid view
- You can select how you want to experience your video display in your meeting. If you select the Speaker view the main screen will display the individual that is talking. If you select the Grid view, the main screen will tile the video windows of all the participants in the meeting. We recommend keeping the meeting on Speaker View for the best video experience during the meeting.
Doc List
- If the meeting Host is offering handouts, you can access it by clicking on the Docs icon.
If you have a Premium Peer subscription there will be some additional features at the top right side of the meeting space. In a white panel you will notice a few icons:
- If you click on the Mood icon a popup Mood Entry window will appear. At the top you will see the current date and time. If you are needing to report a previous day, simply click on the date and select the correct day in the dropdown menu.
- Use your mouse to move the sliding scale box from left to right or vise versa. If you move the box to the right, a definition of the rating will appear below the scale. Rate your Mood, Anxiety, Work Life, Social Life and Family Life.
- Green = Good or Doing Well
- Red = Worsening or Not Well
- If you click on the Symptoms icon a pop-up Mood Entry window will appear. At the top, you will see the current date and time. If you are needing to report a previous day, simply click on the date and select the correct day in the dropdown menu.
- Check the symptom boxes that apply to you. You can check the following symptoms: Nausea, Headache, Restlessness, Suicide Thought, and Panic Attack.
- Use your mouse to move the sliding scale box from left to right or vise versa. If you move the box to the right, a number of the rating will appear below the scale. Rate your Sleep, Appetite, and Hopelessness.
- Green = Good or Doing Well
- Red = Worsening or Not Well
- If you click on the Journal icon, you can type up a journal entry. Journaling can be a helpful way to get something off of your mind before or after your meeting starts. If you're working with a Clinician, it can be a great tool to improve session productivity and focus. Every person's journal is different. Here are a few of the things people keep track of in their journals: Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas, Concerns, Accomplishments, Disappointments, Accounts of interactions with others. Click on the SAVE button once you have completed your journal entry.