Sections in this article:
- Host Tab
- Supporter Information
- Qualification
- Age Range
- Additional Support
- Hide My Profile
- Peer Supporter Certificate
Host Tab
Update your Peer Supporter Information on the Host tab.
Sign into your HeyPeers profile, then click on Account, then Settings, and then the Host tab.

Supporter Information
When you click on the Host tab, you will notice the page is called Supporter Information. This information will be viewable to members when you create a meeting for you to host that is NOT on behalf of an organization. You must fill out the sections with written prompts for:
- About me
- Short greetings for your peers
- Motivation for help
- Your recovery status
If you are unsure what to write in the prompt boxes, hover over the “?” icon, and you will see some examples.

After the prompted written sections, be sure to designate your Qualification. From the dropdown menu, select Certified, Licensed or Organization Trained Peer Supporter.

Age Range
Next, determine the age range you are comfortable providing support to between 13-100. Legal restrictions prevent anyone on the HeyPeers platform from providing support for anyone under the age of 13.
Additional Support
Next, enable additional support you'd like to provide. There are two additional support designations:
- Willing to assist others to find local resources
- Available to provide support and receive connections from peers
If you are willing to provide the additional support and willing to assist finding local resource, toggle the button on. If it is green, you have selected to be available for these supports. If it is white, you have chosen to not provide them.
Hide My Profile
The next designation is for hiding your profile. If you turn on the Hide my profile toggle, that means you are hiding your public profile, and users will not be able to read about you. We do not recommend hiding your profile if you are actively scheduling group meetings, chat rooms and coaching sessions.
It is helpful to Hide my profile when you want to take your time to update your profile, or if you ever decide to take a break in offering your services.
If it is green, you have selected to hide your profile. If it is white, your profile is viewable on the Find A Peer Supporter page.

Peer Supporter Certificate
Lastly, you can upload your Peer Supporter Certificate.
Note: Acceptable Peer Supporter certification should be issued by a National or State-level certifying organization. Please review your state's certification requirements to learn if you are qualified. We do not take certificates of completed training or CEU's.
If you have questions about your qualifications, please reach out to with a copy of your certification and a request a review your eligibility.
To add or edit your certificate, click the Edit File button.
The box will then display a message that says, "Add photos, PDF or MP4 Video." Please note you are limited to uploading only one file total. If you have a document, make sure it is a PDF format, or make it a .jpeg image to upload. Click "Upload proof of Qualification" to upload the certificate. Once you have selected the file, you will see the option to Zoom or Rotate the image. Once it looks as you would like, click the yellow Save button.
If you want to go back to the document preview screen without uploading a certificate, refresh the browser.

You also have the option to Hide Certificate. If you do not want to post a certificate or want to hide one already uploaded, turn on the toggle to Hide Certificate. We do not recommend hiding your certification. Members often look for the credentials, and this could detriment growing your service if you choose to hide your certificate.
Please note: if you choose to hide your certificate, you will still see the preview of a certificate you uploaded on the Host tab. If it is green, you have selected to hide your certificate. If it is white, your certificate is viewable on your Peer Supporter profile.
To view your profile as it would appear to a member, click on the Find a Peer Supporter tab and locate your tile and click the Profile button.