If you would like to create or edit surveys that will display before, during or after your meetings, you can do so in “Manage Surveys” from your organization’s administrative module. Please note: when you are creating a survey, you do not have to designate when a member will see the survey (i.e. before, during, or after a meeting).
Sections in this article:
- Navigate to Manage Surveys
- Create New Survey
- Manage Survey Options
- View and Create Questions
- Add Questions
- Preview Questions
- Edit Questions
- Export Survey Data
- Preview Survey
- Delete Survey
1. Navigate to Manage Surveys
After logging into your account on HeyPeers, you will be brought to the Choose your destination homepage. From that page, you can access your organization by clicking the Organizations tab or the Support Organization tile in the middle of your screen.
You will be brought to the Organization Led Support Groups page. Click on the Manage Organizations button.
When you locate your organization, you will see your organization name and logo in a tile with a Profile button on the left and a Manage button on the right. Click on the MANAGE button.
- Please note: if your organization displays the Group Leaders on the organizations profile, the Profile button is where you can go in to edit your personal Group Leader profile. See Update Organization Peer Supporter Group Leader Profile for more information.
You will be brought to the Manage Organization page. On the right side of the screen click on the BOOK icon. Select Manage Surveys from the dropdown menu. You will be brought to the Manage Surveys page.
2. Create New Survey
On the Manage Surveys page, you may see a list of surveys previous created by your organization.
To create a new survey click the Add Survey button.
A pop-up window will appear asking you to name the survey. Name the survey and click Save.
- Please note: you only designate when a member sees a survey (before, during, after) when you are scheduling a meeting. We recommend you include the intended use for the survey to make it easier to select when scheduling your meetings. For example, Post-Meeting Survey, Survey During Meeting, or Pre-Meeting Survey.
After you click Save, you will be brought back to the Manage Surveys page where you will see the new survey added to the list. Now you need to manage and edit your survey.
3. Manage Survey Options
From the list on the Manage Surveys page, click the Options button on the survey you'd like to edit and update. When you click Options a dropdown menu will show choices to View Questions, Preview, Export or Delete.
4. View Questions
From the Options dropdown, click View Questions to review and create the questions for that particular survey. You will be brought to a new page that shows the name of your survey. If this is a new survey, click the Add Question button.
Add Questions
When you click Add Question, a pop up screen will appear for you to add a question and choose the type of response you'd like to capture from the members.
- Add Question: Type your question. Please use proper grammar and punctuation as needed. For example: Do you feel better after this meeting than you did before the meeting?
- Custom Message: An added custom message will be displayed above the question. For example, you could say: We care about how you feel.
- Question type: From this dropdown, select the type of response you'd like to capture for your question. You can select:
- Short answer - member will type their response (Tip: add custom message that they can type "N/A" if they have no response)
- Likert scale - member can select one of five options: Strongly agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Disagree, Strongly disagree
- Quality scale - member can select one of five options: Very poor, Poor, OK, Good, Very Good
- Satisfied - member can select one of five options: Very unsatisfied, Unsatisfied, Neutral, Satisfied, Very Satisfied
- Yes or no - member can select yes or no.
- One to five - member can select a number from 1-5.
- Dropdown - allows you to create custom response options in a dropdown menu
When you have finished creating your question, click Save. You will be brought back to the survey page. Continue to click the Add Question button to add as many questions as you would like.
Preview Questions
Once you have added all of your questions, we recommend you click Preview to see how the questions will appear for the members.
When you click the Preview button, a separate browser tab will open to show a preview of the question(s) in the format members will see for the survey. You can close out of the tab when you are done reviewing.
Edit Questions
If you want to make changes to any of the questions you have created, click on the Options button.
- Edit - if you click edit, the Add Question pop up will appear for you to edit the question.
- Move - you can move the order of the questions by selecting: Move to top, Move up, Move down, Move to bottom.
- Delete - if you no longer want this question on the survey, click Delete. A pop-up message will appear that asks "You are about to delete a question. Are you sure?" Click OK to delete, or Cancel to return back to the questions list.
Once you are finished with your edits of the questions in the survey, click the back button under the survey title to return to the main Manage Surveys page.
5. Export Survey Data
From the Manage Surveys tab, you can export the attendance and survey responses. Find the survey from the list and click on the Options button and select Export.
After clicking Export, a pop up screen will show you options for choosing a date range and type of data you'd like exported into columns of the report.
In this window you will designate the following:
- Choose Date Range to Export
- All
- Today
- Current month
- Last week
- Last month
- Custom - you must designate a “Start Time” and “End Time" if you select Custom.
- Click inside each box and a calendar will appear.
- Find the correct month and click on the date.
- Click on the clock icon on the bottom of the calendar to adjust the time of day.
- The format must be mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm (am/pm)
- Columns - the All column option will be selected by default. Uncheck any data columns you do not need in your report. Or you can click the None option and then only check the items you would like included in your report.
Once you have made all of the selections, click Send Report.
You will be brought back to the Manage Surveys page and you will see a brief pop up message that says the report was successfully generated and you will receive an email soon.
The report will be emailed as a .CSV file to your email address attached to your profile, with the subject line "Meeting Survey Export."
6. Preview Survey
From the Manage Surveys tab, you can preview the full survey by clicking on the Options button and selecting Preview.
When you click the Preview button, a separate browser tab will open to show a preview of how the members will see the survey. You can close out of the tab when you are done reviewing. If you need to make any changes, see Steps 3 and 4 above.
6. Delete Survey
From the Manage Surveys tab, you can choose to delete a survey by clicking on the Options button and selecting Delete. A pop-up message will appear that asks "You are about to delete a survey and all of its questions. Are you sure?" Click OK to delete, or Cancel to return back to the Manage Surveys page.