HeyPeers exists to allow the free exchange of ideas and experiences for the benefit of all attendees. As Peer Supporters are some guidelines to uphold this mission.
- Be Honest
- Listen
- Active listening
- Nodding, asking questions, let them know you are here
- Something you have not something you are
- Be patient
- Educate yourself
- Keep an open mind
- Don’t invalidate others
- Talk about things other than just mental illness
- Talk about boundaries
- Respond calmly, even in crisis
- Don’t make things about yourself
- Show empathy!
- Don’t talk about what they “Should have done”
- Don’t problem solve
- Ask questions. Open their mind to different perspectives
- Silence is Ok...Give them time to think
- Remember that people can be defensive, so be patient!
- Users must not use their email address, phone number or use "HeyPeers" in their username.
Here are HeyPeers expectations for attendees:
- Discussions made during the group must remain confidential, especially as people sometimes open up to (very personal) details.
- Attendees must not be discourteous to others in the group and must not discriminate or be derogatory on the grounds of gender, race, sexuality, disability, religion, etc.
- Attendees must not be disrespectful of the views of others in the group nor to their methods of coping with their struggles (this does not mean that the validity of views and methods cannot be respectfully challenged).
- Attendees must be mindful to allow others to speak during discussions.
- Attendees must not make any false statements (in public or otherwise) about the group nor about people in the group.
- Attendees and visitors attending the group meeting or any other activities organized by the group do so at their own risk.