Log into your HeyPeers account. you will be brought to the Home Page Dashboard encouraging you to Choose Your Destination.
- Chat - If you click on the Chat option you will be brought to the CHAT page. There you will be able to view all the public group chat rooms available on HeyPeers.
- You can also click on the CHAT tab located at the top right of your screen to access the MEETINGS page as well.
- Chat - If you click on the Chat option you will be brought to the CHAT page. There you will be able to view all the public group chat rooms available on HeyPeers.
You will be brought to the CHAT page. There you will find listed tiles of public chat rooms you are able to join. Once you’ve identified a chat room you would like to join, click on the JOIN button located at the bottom right corner of the tile. You will enter the chat room and are able to begin interacting with peers through a text-based discussion.