The Peer Supporters page is where members can go to search the Independent Peer Supporters offering meetings or hosting chat rooms on HeyPeers.
Sections in this article:
- Page Layout
- Peer Supporter Profile Preview Details
- Profile Photo
- Name and Qualification
- Star Rating and Rating Count
- About Me Preview
- Meeting Services
- Peer Support Interests
- Profile and Connect Buttons
- Search Capabilities
- Profile Display Order
Page Layout
The Peer Supporters page has a horizontal layout, which displays one peer supporter profile per row. This design allows members to see more of the peer supporter's profile information at a glance.
At the top of the page you will see three ways you can filter the Peer Supporters list:
- Search peer supporters by name
- Type in name into search box
- Filter list by category.
- See dropdown for complete list of topics.
- Sort peer supporters by total ratings
- High to Low
- Low to High
Below the filtering options, ten peer supporter profiles are displayed per page, and are listed based on the amount of feedback and reviews left from members. See Profile Display Order section below for further information.
At the bottom of the page, you can easily scroll through all of the profiles by toggling from page to page.
Peer Supporter Profile Preview Details
1) Profile Photo
The peer supporter's profile photo is displayed on the left side of the profile information.
2) Name and Qualification
The peer supporter's first name and first initial of their last name is displayed as their username. If the peer supporter’s profile does not have a first and last name disclosed, the peer supporter’s chosen username will be displayed instead. Immediately below their name, you can see the peer supporter’s qualification.
3) Star Rating and Reviews
The peer supporter’s current star rating and review count is displayed for member's to review. If you click on the hyperlinked number listed next to the stars, a pop-up window will display the star rating details and reviews submitted by members.
4) About Me Preview
A brief portion of the peer supporter’s About Me description is displayed, along with a More button. To read the full description, click the More button to expand the description display.
5) Meeting Services
Each peer supporter has the option to set up as many Meeting Services for their profile as they wish. However, only up to four of the peer supporter’s meeting services will be displayed below their preview profile description. The Meeting Services are displayed in the order in which they were created, with the most recently added meeting services being displayed in the first position (the first service listed from left to right).
To see all of the Meeting Services a Peer Supporter may have, click on the Profile button.
6) Peer Support Interests
Each peer supporter may list up to five interests that they specialize in for their support, i.e. caregiver, depression, anxiety, etc. While they may have many more interests and lived experiences, only their top five choices will be displayed on their profile. These interests are displayed in the order in which they were selected by the peer supporter.
We encourage members to reach out to any peer supporter if you have questions about their interests and the topics they may cover in their meeting services. See How to Connect With An Independent Peer Supporter for how to message them on HeyPeers.
7) Profile and Connect Buttons
Clicking on the Profile button allows you to see the peer supporter’s full profile page for further details.
Clicking on the Connect button allows you to request a connection with the peer supporter. See How to Connect With An Independent Peer Supporter for more information on what it means to request to connect with a peer supporter.
Once a connection request has been sent, the button becomes inactive and displays Request Sent.
Once the peer supporter accepts the connection request, the text changes to Connected.
If the peer supporter has declined the connection request, the text changes to Request Declined.
Search Capabilities
Just below the top banner, there is a search field which allows members to search for peer supporters.
- You can search for peer supporters by their name, email or username.
- In addition, you can filter the list by category based on the topics they chose as their specialized interests.
- You can also filter the list to sort the peer supporters based on their star rating (from high to low, or low to high).
We encourage members to reach out to any peer supporter if you have questions about their interests and the topics they may cover in their meeting services. See How to Connect With An Independent Peer Supporter for how to message them on HeyPeers.
Profile Display Order
As mentioned above, the order in which peer supporters are displayed is based on the number of submitted ratings, in descending order. This means the peer supporter with the highest number of submitted ratings (not necessarily the highest rating indicated by the star value) will be displayed first. Peer supporters with zero ratings, or no reviews, will be displayed last.
In the image example below, Peer Supporter Sally has a 5-star rating and has 6 reviews, whereas Peer Supporter Otto has zero reviews and a 0-star rating.